
Fake It Until You Make It: Is It Good Career Advice For Introverts?

The saying ‘fake it until you make it’ is undoubtedly familiar to you. It’s a common phrase, used across self-help books, movies, schools, and workplaces.

But is it good career advice?

While there are certain benefits to faking it until you make it, there are also various downfalls. This means that it may not be the ideal philosophy to live by – especially for introverts.

Let’s explore this further!

What Does ‘Fake It Until You Make It’ Mean?

The phrase ‘Fake it until you make it’ describes the action of imitating confidence or competence, or shouldering responsibilities that you may not be prepared for while nurturing the expectation that you will improve and eventually achieve success.

The precise origins of the phrase remain a mystery. However, the most common theory is that it came from the world of show business, where performers occasionally had to pretend to possess more experience or skill than they had. From here, the phrase gradually entered other fields of life, including self-help books, business, and personal development.

The Advantages of ‘Fake It Until You Make It‘:

The phrase ‘fake it until you make it’ is well-intentioned. Its core concept revolves around possessing an attitude, feeling, or perception of competence you may not initially possess and holding onto it until it becomes a reality.

This idea motivates people to take the first step on the road to success. This is certainly preferable to someone never starting because they lack the courage and belief in their abilities.

Many people grapple with self-doubt and the fear of failure; Anxious introverts are especially prone to this. The notion of “faking it” can provide a psychological boost, encouraging individuals to take action and start their journey toward their goals, even when they feel unprepared or uncertain.

The Downsides of ‘Fake It Until You Make It’:

Although well-intentioned, the well-known phrase does have its pitfalls, which should not be overlooked. These pitfalls include:

1. It’s Fake!

The term ‘fake’ immediately raises a red flag.


Because no one wants to be a fake. It’s dishonest; a word you wouldn’t normally wish to associate with your character or career.

Although you may have good intentions when are ‘faking it’, you are likely to feel uncomfortable. This subtle feeling can hinder your work ethic, knock your self-esteem and conceal your true personality – even if you don’t realise it.

Simply put then, establishing your career on a foundation of deceit is not the right approach.

2. It Can Lead To Imposter Syndrome

Feigning confidence or abilities may be more harmful than not. Put bluntly, it can make you feel like an imposter – like you are not meant to be where you are.

This is essentially the first step toward experiencing Imposter Syndrome – a persistent belief that your success is undeserved or not legitimately achieved. This belief can have negative consequences on your mental health, work ethic, relationships, physical health and much more.

In the end, it’s just not worth it.

For more information on Imposter Syndrome, read Verywell Mind’s article: Imposter Syndrome: Why You May Feel Like a Fraud.

3. It Creates A Fear Of Exposure

Starting your career by ‘faking it’ can instil a deep fear of being found out by those around you.

You may start to ask yourself:

  • What if someone finds out I am faking it?
  • What if people can tell I’m a fraud?
  • What if I deserve to fail because I’m a fake?

These thoughts can take a serious toll on your mental health and career, making you hesitant and anxious. Even when you do succeed, you may feel undeserving because of how you got there.

Surely there’s a better way to go about facing your challenges?

Remember: Authenticity Is Key:

Authenticity is about embracing who you are. This includes your values, strengths and weaknesses. It’s about accepting yourself completely – without hiding or faking anything.

Being your full, authentic self enables you to foster strong connections, facilitate personal growth and establish trust and respect with those around you. Better yet, it allows you to view your success as 100% yours, as you didn’t have to fake anything or deceive anyone to get it.

What Is A Good Alternative Phrase?

The phrase ‘fake it until you make it’ exists for a reason – to get people to take that first step on the road to success.

Happily, there is an alternative to the traditional phrase that can still inspire action, but whilst maintaining a sense of honesty:

Face It Until You Ace It.

This alternative phrase retains the key message (instilling action and belief in your success) but maintains authenticity en route.

Instead of pretending to be something you’re not, you can choose a sincere path to a successful career by simply being yourself – facing challenges head-on until you reach your full potential.

Final Thoughts:

While the phrase ‘fake it until you make it’ may be well-intentioned, it has various drawbacks. One drawback is the implication that you need to put on a facade to succeed – which is not the case.

Growing your career with honesty and integrity is the best way to foster genuine relationships, boost your self-esteem and succeed. For this reason, it is a far better choice to ‘face it until you ace it’.

Do you agree? Let me know in the comments below.

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