
Is Copywriting A Good Career For Introverts?

Copywriting is an excellent career for introverts. The role requires creative thinking, data analysis, problem-solving and independent work. Better yet, copywriting is an enjoyable, diverse and lucrative career where no two days are the same.

Let’s take a deep dive into what copywriting involves and how you can start your copywriting journey. 

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the writing of text (copy) to market or promote services and products. This can take the form of print, such as flyers and advertisements, or digital, such as email, video, social media or advertisements.

Often, a piece of copywriting work will begin with a creative brief from your client or manager. This should include the product or service you are promoting, the key features and benefits, the desired action for the reader and the form of copy required, e.g. advertisement or social posts. You will then use the brief to create your content. 

Where do copywriters work?

Copywriting is a very flexible career. You can work freelance, on-staff or do a mixture of both. The choice is yours, but it’s important to understand the difference, as summarised below.

  • Freelance involves working for yourself and taking on several clients, often across varying industries. You will own your own company and be responsible for all aspects of the business.
  • On-staff involves working for a company or agency, meaning you are writing for the company itself. This includes the company’s products, services and/on client list. You will be an employee and your work will be largely dictated by your manager. 

Each option comes with its pros and cons, and it is worth weighing them up. Filthy Rich Writer has a great article that does exactly this. 

What does copywriting consist of:

There are several types of copywriting that you can consider. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Copywriting: the writing of content for websites that aims to rank the page highly on Google results pages. This is done through keyword optimisation and by using tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Semrush.
  • Product Copywriting: the promotion of a product through product pages, feature announcements and descriptions. The features you focus on will depend on whether your company is business-to-business or business-to-consumer.
  • Ad Copywriting: the writing of advertisements. These include billboards, Facebook ads, or retargeting ads. This often requires you to capture attention, speak to your audience and create a clear Call To Action (CTA).
  • Email Copywriting: the writing of marketing emails. This is a form of direct marketing where you can appeal directly to those already interested in your product or services (subscribers).

And the list goes on. If you’re interested in this field, it’s worth researching the various options in more depth to gain a better understanding. Quite often, experienced copywriters choose to specialise in an area that best suits their style and preference.

What’s the difference between copywriting and content writing?

Copywriting is any text that is written to sell, market or promote a product or service. Content writing is any text that is written to inform, educate or entertain. Copywriting can be found with content writing in the form of a call to action, pop-up or advertisement.

This blog, for example, is a form of content writing (I am not selling you anything). However, if I placed a call to action at the bottom of the page stating ‘Your Introverts Corner Guide. Buy now’ this section would be copywriting (I am trying to sell something to you).

What Experience Do You Need?

Formal Education:

Related degree – A degree in copywriting is rare. For this reason, most employees seek applicants with a related degree, such as in English, Creative Writing, Marketing or Journalism. These subjects revolve around the written word and an understanding of the English language, making them a great stepping stone to copywriting careers.

Other degree – Degrees themselves are a great indication of your hard work, intelligence and dedication to learning. You do not need a related degree to become a freelance copywriter or apply for a role. However, it is worth exploring copywriting training and qualifications to gain experience and build your understanding of the field. 

No degree – You do not need a degree to become a successful copywriter. There are many ways to build your knowledge and experience in copywriting, including through alternative qualifications and training courses or by starting freelance and building your portfolio. Copywriting is a skill you learn by doing, meaning experience and practice can go a long way.


Copywriting is a craft – one that can take years to master. This makes experience key to landing any position or client. Aside from on-the-job training, experience can be gained through the following:

Online Courses: Most online courses are not only certified, meaning that you will gain a certificate upon completion, but they often involve case studies or coursework. This helps you to learn through practice, as well as begin to grow your portfolio and your understanding of the role, including best practices and writing styles.

Make it up: You don’t need an assignment to create a piece of copywriting. Quite often the best way to gain experience and grow your portfolio is to simply start writing. Choose a website or topic you are interested in and set yourself a task. For example, if you like running, create a running club flyer or running shoe advertisement. It’s that simple.

Start freelancing: Freelancing is a very common pathway to the copywriting profession. You will have more control over the industries you work in, as well as set your prices based on your experience. Websites such as Fivver or UpWork are a great starting point here. It is worth taking a look at current copywriters on these platforms and seeing what they are offering and how much they are charging. 

How much do Copywriters earn? 

According to glassdoor, the average salary of an on-staff copywriter in the UK is £30,859 per year. With experience and promotions, this can jump to up to £50,000 per year. 

Freelance salaries are harder to pinpoint. However, glassdoor states that the average salary is £39,000 per year, with the potential to earn three figures if your work gets recognised by awards or top clients. 

Why is Copywriting a great job for introverts?

Copywriting is a career that offers great independence. The role requires several skills that introverts often possess, such as creative thinking, problem solving and research, and involves countless hours of writing. Just non-stop writing. This is perfect for those seeking quieter environments where they can simply get their head down and do their work.

Moreover, in contrast to other marketing roles, copywriting is not overly focused on social interactions. As with any role, you will be required to go back and forth with your clients, colleagues and manager. However, the majority of your role will take place from behind your computer screen, with email as your primary form of communication. This is perfect for those who wish to limit their social interactions throughout the day. 


Copywriting is a great career path for introverts or anyone who enjoys writing and content creation. For the more reserved personality types, it allows for quieter working environments, fewer social interactions and a great focus on work output.

Are you currently considering a career in copywriting? Let me know in the comments below.

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